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Attraction Waiver

Accident and Injury Waiver

IMPORTANT: This waiver must be completed prior to entry

Anyone who wishes to participate in any of the activities at Inflatable Fun Park (referred to as "Attraction") must read, agree to, and sign this waiver form prior to participating in any activities or entering the Attraction site.

The Attraction is owned and operated by Inflatable Fun Park and its related entities (referred to as "Inflatable Fun Park", "we", "us", or "our").

Health Certification

By signing this form, you:

  • Certify that you and any participants listed above are in good health, free from the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any prescription drugs that may affect balance or judgment, and are free from any pre-existing health or medical conditions, including COVID-19.

  • Acknowledge that you have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, do not exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, and have not been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • Agree to disclose any medical conditions that could affect your safety or the safety of others while participating in the activities of the Attraction.

Safety and Conduct

  • Agree to follow all safety rules, instructions, and wear any safety equipment as directed.

  • For participants signing on behalf of another individual, confirm that you are the parent, legal guardian, or authorized agent of the listed participant(s) under the age of 18.

  • Grant permission for the use of your name and/or likeness relating to your participation in the Inflatable Fun Park event and waive all rights to any future compensation for such use.

Acknowledgement of Risks

I acknowledge that by participating in the activities of the Attraction, I do so entirely at my own risk. I recognize that the activities are physically and mentally demanding and require a good level of physical fitness. Risks associated with the Attraction include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical risks inherent in participating in the activities.

  • The effects of weather, which may change at any time.

  • Potentially faulty equipment or Attraction facilities.

  • The behavior of other participants.

  • Risks related to COVID-19.

  • Drowning risks in water areas, dehydration, and injuries from sharp objects.

These risks are potentially dangerous and could result in serious injury, including permanent disability or death.

As a participant, I accept these risks, understanding the need to exercise good judgment and act responsibly at all times while at the Attraction. I agree to explain and ensure any participant for whom I am responsible is aware of these requirements. I take full responsibility for the behavior and conduct of all persons under my supervision.

Indemnity and Hold Harmless

I hereby fully indemnify and hold harmless Inflatable Fun Park, its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, and third-party service providers from and against all claims, suits, demands, expenses, and costs of whatsoever nature, which I or any other person may have in respect of any death, injury, loss, or damage sustained in connection with the Attraction. This includes participation in activities at the Attraction, whether due directly or indirectly from any negligent act, omission, default, or breach of duty by Inflatable Fun Park, its officers, employees, agents, contractors, or third parties.

This indemnity and hold harmless clause is intended to cover any claims made by or on behalf of a participant listed in this form.

Waiver of Rights and Release from Liability

To the extent permitted by law, I voluntarily waive my right to bring any legal proceedings or claims against Inflatable Fun Park and voluntarily release and forever discharge Inflatable Fun Park, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors from liability for any claims arising from my participation in the activities of the Attraction, including:

  • Any loss, damage, or injury.

  • Any incidental, direct, indirect, special, consequential, or economic loss or damage (including distress, inconvenience, or anxiety).

  • Any loss of opportunities, exemplary, or punitive damages, whether to person or property.

This waiver applies to any claims arising from default, negligence, misconduct, or otherwise by Inflatable Fun Park, its management, and staff, except where liability cannot be excluded under applicable law.

For full terms please visit our website HERE

No Refunds

All ticket purchases for entry to the Attraction are final and non-refundable. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to this no-refund policy. We strongly recommend that you carefully consider your availability and the weather conditions on the day of your intended visit before making a purchase.

Weather-Permitted Sessions

The Attraction operates as a weather-permitted venue. In the event of adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain, lightning, or extreme heat, which may impact the safety and enjoyment of our visitors, the Attraction reserves the right to postpone or cancel any session.

Session Postponement and Credit Vouchers

If a session is postponed due to weather conditions, your booking will automatically be moved to the next available session. Should you be unable to attend the rescheduled session, a credit voucher may be issued at our discretion. This voucher can be used towards any future booking at the Attraction within 12 months from the date of issue. No refunds will be provided under these circumstances.

Photography, Video, and Live Recordings

By purchasing a ticket and entering the Attraction, you acknowledge and agree that photos, videos, and LIVE recordings will be taken throughout the venue. These images and recordings may feature visitors, including yourself and any participants in your group, and may be used for marketing, promotional, and advertising purposes across various media platforms. You waive any rights to inspect or approve the use of such images and recordings and any associated compensation.

If you do not wish to appear in any photos, videos, or LIVE recordings, please notify a member of our staff upon arrival, and we will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your request.


I acknowledge and accept that I have read, understood, and agreed to the contents of this form, along with Inflatable Fun Park’s terms and conditions and privacy policy, prior to signing.

Date and time

Please Note: By signing, you also accept and acknowledge the Attraction disclaimer and agree to the terms & conditions on behalf of any participants under the age of 18, under your care or supervision.

Important: This event is not suitable for anyone with preexisting health conditions or anyone who is in recovery and/or pregnant. Children under the age of 12 years old must be accompanied by a paying adult at all times.

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